Informal Tuesday Noon Net
Tuesdays 12:00 local time, 146.88 Mhz, minus offset, PL tone of 77.0 hz.
Bob KE6IUE started this net during the early days of the pandemic as a way to take a break from the isolation of work-at-home and endless zoom sessions.
All licensed amateur radio operators are invited to check in to this weekly chat. As part of our ongoing training we encourage and mentor first time net control operators to lead the gathering.
There is no formal procedure for this. If you turn on the radio early, feel free to announce that you are monitoring and someone else might just say hello.
Use of the WB6NDJ repeater is courtesy of the Oakland Radio Communications Association (ORCA). The WB6NDJ repeater is an open repeater: no dues are required for normal Amateur Radio use. However, you must be a member to make use of special features.